Mid-term Management Plan
Mid-term Management Plan(FY2022~FY2025)
In the Global 1st Stage from the fiscal year 2005, NTT DATA increased global coverage. In the Global 2nd Stage from the fiscal year 2016, we tried to establish a recognized global brand.
In the new MMP from the fiscal year 2022 to 2025, NTT DATA will work to become a company trusted by clients around the world based on initiatives in the former MMP, to achieve the Global 3rd Stage.

KPI *1 *2
Given the combination with NTT Ltd., NTT DATA will aim to achieve a consolidated sales revenue of over 4 trillion yen, 120 client companies with annual sales of over 5 billion yen or 50 million dollars, a consolidated operating income margin of 10 percent, and an overseas EBITA margin of 10 percent.

- *1 Figures based on the business integration between NTT DATA and NTT Ltd.
- *2 NTT Ltd.'s earnings forecasts are figures that can be grasped at this time and are based on certain assumptions.
- *3 Customers with annual sales of 5 billion yen or more (JP) or $50 million or more (outside JP)
- *4 Excluding one-time costs for M&A, structural reform, etc.
Overall strategy
This is the overall picture of the strategy of the new medium-term management plan.

Strategy 1 - Capitalize on the Convergence IT & Connectivity
By further strengthening collaboration with the NTT Group, NTT DATA will enhance the capabilities to offer Edge to Cloud services.
Also, we will realize inter-industrial collaboration that transcends corporate and industry boundaries and create new social platforms and innovative services.

Strategy 2 - Strengthen Consulting with Foresight
We will strengthen industry consulting capabilities to envision the future of clients and industries and technology consulting capabilities to envision the future from a technology perspective, to support the growth of our clients' businesses and realize their business transformation as a co-creation partner.

Strategy 3 - Evolve to an Asset-based Business Model
We will make NTT DATA Group's technologies, knowledge, experience, etc., an asset on a global level and make effective use of the asset so that we can maximize the value of our offerings.

Strategy 4 - Enhance Advanced & Development Technology
NTT DATA will promote measures based on technological levels.
In the category of Mainstream, we will further improve our strength, which is the ability to utilize technologies.
In the Growth/Emerging Categories, we will closely examine, with foresight, advanced technologies to be used in the future and implement PoC with clients working on progressive initiatives globally.

Strategy 5 - Be the best place to work
NTT DATA's drive to create value is human resources, and it is important for us to transform into a company attractive to people working there.
To that end, we will introduce training programs to learn advanced technologies and develop systems and a progressive working environment to allow various human resources to play active roles.
Also, we will strengthen the HQ functions for further growth as a global company.

Optimize Strategic Investments for Growth
As a system to support the five strategies that I have explained so far, NTT DATA will establish a virtuous cycle of investment and growth and achieve business growth toward the Global 3rd Stage.
Specifically, NTT DATA will create an investment category focusing on themes to realize social changes such as sustainability and IOWN in addition to industry and technology focus areas and globally promote strategic investment toward future business creation.

- *5 as of April 2022
Sustainability Management
To build a sustainable society, NTT DATA will work to address social issues and contribute to improving the global environment through business and corporate activities under the slogan "Realizing a Sustainable Future." Through this, we will grow together with our clients.