Philanthropic Contributions

Type of Contribution Total amount paid in FY2021 (JPY-Yen)
Cash contributions 313,518,748
Time: employee volunteering during paid working hours 43,655,433
In-kind giving: product or services donations, projects/
partnerships or similar
Management overheads 10,558,030

Type of Philanthropic Activities

Category Percentage of Total Costs
Charitable Donations 56.54%
Community Investments 43.44%
Commercial Initiatives 0.02%
Total (must equal 100%) 100%

The company supports the purposes of activities of the following organizations and makes donations to them as part of the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility.

Political contribution

Name of organization Total amount paid in FY2021 (JPY-Yen)
KOKUMIN SEIJI KYOUKAI (National Politics Association) 7,500,000

Contributions & Other Spending

Unit FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Contributions and Other Spending JPY-Yen 273,500,000 276,769,000 251,255,000 287,438,000
Data coverage (as % of denominator) Percentage of consolidated sales 100% 100% 100% 100%

Largest Contributions and Expenditures

Customer Satisfaction

Evaluation item FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021
Average of customer satisfaction score (0-10 points) 7.6 7.7 7.7 7.8

*Servey Results of NTT DATA's Customers
[Number of responses by FY]
FY18 : 427 people / 183 companies FY19 : 447 people / 189 companies FY20 : 460 people / 188 companies FY21 : 450 people / 185 companies